Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

JMX metrics available for all JVM programs

A proper monitoring of your infrastructure will provide you with useful software insights. CloudKarafka now offers JMX metrics for all JVM programs

The difference between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ explained

CloudKarafka participates on a free online event explores the differences between two popular message brokers from a use-case perspective

Guide: How to use Schema Registry with CloudKarafka

Schema Registry ensures that the Kafka components communicate in the correct format and interact with both the producer and the consumer to provide a serving layer for metadata. In this guide, CloudKarafka demonstrates how to use Schema Registry with your hosted Apache Kafka cluster from CloudKarafka.

Guide: How to use Kafka Connect with CloudKarafka

Kafka Connect allows users to set up integrations between their Kafka cluster while simplifying the ability to add new systems to your data, keeping the stream both scalable and secure. In this guide, CloudKarafka demonstrates how to set up Kafka Connect with your hosted Apache Kafka cluster from CloudKarafka.

Guide: How to peer your VPC with CloudKarafka

Peering your VPC with Cloud Karafka offers several advantages. Peering provides access to the Kafka cluster using plaintext connections while maintaining data security. Additionally, peering provides access to Zookeeper, a centralized service necessary for some of the Kafka CLI scripts, and other Kafka tools. To make it easier to optimize the usage of your hosted Apache Kafka cluster, CloudKarafka has put together a new set of guides to help you connect with popular Apache Kafka add-ons.

Guide: How to use Rest Proxy with CloudKarafka

The Kafka REST Proxy allows you to receive metadata from a cluster and produce and consume messages over a simple REST API. In this guide, CloudKarafka demonstrates how to integrate the REST Proxy with your hosted Apache Kafka cluster from CloudKarafka.

User story: 7digital selects Apache Kafka for database replication

Maintaining a world-leading B2B platform for music distribution is a monumental task. Major points of consideration include the performance, availability and scalability of the platform. Thinking ahead for the future, 7digital relied on Apache Kafka and CloudKarafka database replication to create a solid, easy-to-scale product.

Introducing the new, improved Apache Kafka specific alarms

Cloudkarafka has made significant improvements to the configurable Apache Kafka alarms and addressed some popular user requests.

Commitment to Security: Announcing SOC 2 Compliance

We are proud and happy to announce that we have received a SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report on January 24, 2020. The assessment by an external party and their report provides evidence of our dedication to provide our customers with a secure high-quality service.

Which Service: RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka

In almost every profession, choosing the right tool to perform the basic functions can be a complex decision. For developers, there are dozens of messaging services to choose from. A common question is which service to use, RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka. This article will present use cases and functionality of both platforms to help you make an informed decision.