Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

JMX metrics available for all JVM programs

Written by Magnus Landerblom

To ensure that the infrastructure is used in the best way possible, being able to monitor all parts of your system is important. Proper monitoring you with software insights that alert you if some part of the system starts to misbehave.

For this reason, we have enabled JMX metrics for all programs that we run on the JVM. This means that we’ve added an extension to the current JMX metrics for Apache Kafka by offering insights into Zookeeper, Kafka Connect, etc.

This list shows on which port you will find the JMX metric server:

  • Apache Kafka 9010
  • Schema Registry 9011
  • Kafka Rest Proxy 9012
  • Kafka Connect 9013
  • Zookeeper 9015

These are not public and can only be reached if you have a VPC peering to the CloudKarafka VPC Link to VPC peering

These extensions of JMX metrics are available by default for all servers created as of November 2, 2020. For clusters created before this date, we have added all configurations but you must restart the program in order for the configuration change to take place.

These extensions of JMX metrics are available by default for all servers created as of November 2, 2020. For clusters created before this date, reach out to us at to enable it on your cluster.

All the best,
The CloudKarafka Team