Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

What does In-Sync Replicas in Apache Kafka Really Mean?

Kafka considers that a record is committed when all replicas in the In-Sync Replica set (ISR) have confirmed that they have written the record to disk. The acks=all setting requests that an ack is sent once all in-sync replicas (ISR) have the record. But what is the ISR and what is it for?

A Dive into Multi-Topic Subscriptions with Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka allows a single consumer to subscribe to multiple topics at the same time and process both in a combined stream of records. But we also know that we only get strict ordering guarantees within a single partition, so what kind of message ordering do we get when we subscribe to two topics? That is what we are going to look at in this post.

Get better insight into your upcoming invoices

We are now offering a more transparent billing. You now have full insight into upcoming invoices.

AWS Bahrain now supported

Great news! CloudKarafka customers are now able to create their cluster in AWS-Middle-East (Bahrain)

New regions supported in GCE

Support added for new regions in GCE: Los Angeles, Netherlands, Hong Kong and Montréal, Canada.

AWS Hongkong now supported

The team behind CloudKarafka is happy to announce that we now offer support for AWS Hongkong.

Updated Documentation for CloudKarafka API:s

The documentation for CloudKarafka API:s has been updated and moved to its own place. Read up about how you can create your instances, set up alarms, or restart your cluster via the APIs.

Teams and SAML improvements

A set of highly requested team and user management features has arrived. Multiple teams, transfer subscriptions, SAML enforced roles and turning off password based logins.

New Enterprise Plan for CloudKarafka

By popular demand, CloudKarafka introduces the new enterprise plan Proud Penguin. The new plan offers higher throughput and more disk space.

Apache Kafka Idempotent Producer - Avoiding message duplication

The release of librdkafka 1.0.0 brings a new feature to those who are not on the Java or JVM stack. In this blog post, we cover cover the Idempotent Producer feature, what it is and why you might want to enable it.