Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

CloudKarafka invites 2019

Written by Elin Vinka

And so another year for CloudKarafka has passed. Let's take some time to recap another successful year and point out some of the components for making it so.

For us at 84codes, 2018 has been the year of CloudKarafka and a lot has been made this year. We made a bet on CloudKarafka and added several integrations to make usage of Cloudkarafka easier and more efficient. Some of the integrations made during 2018 were;

  • Kafka Browser
  • Kafka Connect*
  • Kafka MirrorMaker
  • Kafka Schema Registry*
  • Kafka REST Proxy integration*

But the one thing we're most proud of is the new Apache Kafka Management Interface that made a huge difference for CloudKarafka usage. This improved interface lets you monitor and handle your Apache Kafka server from a web browser, in a much simpler way than previous versions. This tool is also one of the things that we get a lot of our focus during 2019.

So what's next for 2019?

First of all, the CloudKarafka team is expanding and this means that we in 2019 will, to a greater extent, offer technical support 24/7 since we’re adding staff in Asia! To meet our customer's needs, we're also adding new high-performance plans, and option to add even more nodes to your cluster.

We'll make CloudKarafka more user-friendly (regardless of customer needs) and easier to scale. But above other things, this year will be the year when we're launching the most perfect Apache Kafka Management tool to the public, as an open source project.

We're super excited to kick off 2019 and dive into another year with Kafka. And, as always, our many (and different) users requests are the very fuel in our improvements and changes-machine. If you have ideas, requests and/or questions. Feel free to contact us.

*On December 14th, Confluent announced a license change for some of the components of the Confluent Platform. This was made by making restrictions for those (us) offering Rest PROXY, Schema Registry, and Confluent Connectors as SaaS options. However, we have a plan! Read more here.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to