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New features 2017 and upcoming features 2018!

Written by Elin Vinka

As the year winds down, the team behind CloudKarafka want to take the opportunity to recap this successful year. During the past year, we have worked hard to meet our customers' wishes, and we are continually working to improve and simplify the use of CloudKarafka.

New features 2017

In this list you’ll find a selection of great features, upgrades, and expansions, which was added during the past year:

  • Heroku add-on: CloudKarafka was made available as an add-on on Heroku.
  • Apache Kafka log integrations: We added the ability to ship your Apache Kafka logs from CloudKarafka dedicated instances to Papertrail, Splunk, Loggly and Logentries, which makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment.
  • CloudKarafka on Google Cloud Platform: We announced the second cloud service provider for CloudKarafka, Google Cloud Platform. You can now take advantage of Googles secure, global and high-performance compute engine virtual machines and state-of-the-art networking.
  • Improved cluster scaling: We improved the cluster scaling so that all dedicated clusters can be scaled with additional nodes if needed. CloudKarafka clusters may now have one, three, five or seven nodes.
  • Authentication via SASL/SCRAM: We also made it possible to authenticate with SASL using SCRAM mechanism. This hopefully made it easy for you to connect in an easy and secure way.
  • Manage team permissions: Many users have requested a way to split up permissions between team members. Permission-based ACL rules for the team is just released. This new feature makes it possible to set different permissions for different users. One user might only be allowed to edit billing information while someone else is allowed to create and delete clusters.

Upcoming features

We will never stop developing och improve the usage of CloudKarafka and the coming year will, of course, contain even more new features, updates and improvements. A few upcoming news for CloudKarafka to look forward to:

  • New management interface: The new management interface is under development and is already released - however; we will keep developing both features within it and the design.
  • Alarms: Alarms will soon be available for CloudKarafka. Those alarms will help to identify and address performance issues promptly and automatically before it has impacted your business.
  • Upgrade Kafka version via the control panel: It will soon be possible to upgrade Kafka version via the CloudKarafka control panel.
  • And of course, even more updates, additions, and improvements will be expected in the coming year...

We hope that you have enjoyed the enhanced quality of CloudKarafka this past year and that you look forward to a new successful year as much as we do!

The company behind CloudKarafka, 84codes AB, would like to take the opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year! If you would like to know more about us, please visit our webpage: If you would like to request other features - do not hesitate to contact us at Team image 84codes with logo

CloudKarafka - Industry Leading Apache Kafka as a Service