Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

Apache Kafka ® clusters

Straightforward, fully managed clusters available on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

End of Life Announcement

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka® is a high throughput messaging system that is used to send data between processes, applications, and servers. All Kafka messages are organized into topics within the Apache Kafka cluster, and from there connected services can consume these messages without delay, creating a fast, robust and scalable architecture. Apache Kafka is built to handle a large amount of data and is the perfect messaging system when high throughput is required.

Apache Kafka as a service

Illustration: Apache Kafka and CloudKarafka overview

Apache Kafka is used within a large number of different industries and has, unlike most messaging systems, a persistent message log. The messages are automatically distributed among all servers in a cluster and the number of nodes is dynamic, so the horizontal scaling is incredible.

CloudKarafka takes care of the Apache Kafka server setup and management, and also offers support for your Apache Kafka Cluster at all times.

Apache Kafka Ebook

Download our free ebook to get an introduction to Apache Kafka®.

This book will teach you about Apache Kafka from the very beginning. You will, among other things, understand how you can benefit from using Apache Kafka in your architecture and how to optimize your Kafka Cluster.